Christopher Schultz wrote:
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On 3/2/2010 4:05 PM, Aryeh M. Friedman wrote:
Aryeh M. Friedman wrote:
Aryeh M. Friedman wrote:
Christopher Schultz wrote:

I know this sounds silly, but we're getting down to the
grasping-at-straws level, here, so bear with me: have you checked to see
that your request body is actually in the correct format (that is,
urlencoded, etc.)? I haven't looked at the Tomcat code, but Tomcat might
give up if the request body is not parsable.

Have you tried calling request.getInputStream and dumping the request
body when the parameter is null? That might give you some indication of
what's happening.
The client does url encode in addition to translating any chars that
are used either by tomcat and/or or app to decode the reaquest (namely
= is translated to ^, comma to #, right/left parens to @ and $
respectivally) then I use javascripts "escape(string)" method to url
encode it.... the app by default uses post but if I cut and paste the
resulting payload into a GET and pass it to the app it works fine
(i.e. the app uses POST but I do manual testing with GET)

Wait, what? Why all that extra encoding? Well, I guess you know what
you're doing.

opps forgot to mention the manual test works for both the new and old
format but the automated method only works for the old format (both
formats use the one param to rule them all strategy)

Obviously, something is different. Check everything between your manual
and "automated" tests and see what is different. Maybe it's a trailing
newline. Maybe it's a Content-Length header. Whatever it is, apparently,
it's significant.

- -chris
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The above issues is why we switched to the hex encoding scheme

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