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On 3/3/2010 6:56 AM, Karthik Nanjangude wrote:
> Hi
>>> just use whatever the webapps inside
> I do not follow-up
> My requirements were to expose the "war" to Outer world via http
> and also use / provide credential access for the same application's Business 
> layer from outside the war file via  standalone Client via JNDI via RMI-IIOP
> This activity is to done when the Web application is up and running only ( 
> probably EOD process )
> Axis mounted on Web application would solve this problem ...
> but exploring any other way around with out AXIS ...

I don't believe that Tomcat provides complete a JNDI service, including
remote connection capability. I believe it is in-process only. That
means that, in order to access the information in JNDI, you'd have to
build your own service to do it.

I may be wrong, but I think you'll have to go do JBoss or some other
J2EE container to get a complete JNDI service.

The reason we're asking you about your requirements is that we suspect
there may be a better way to accomplish your task.

- -chris
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