
I believe what u said is correct, but if u have seen this thread as I have 
already said

>>I could have used JBOSS or OC4j, but it does not make sense to use these J2EE 
>>containers for the simple 1 or 2 requirements

My applications are restricted infrastructure to only WEB based and are made to 
be simple, not to be made complicated.

Hence the requirement

Are there any alternatives other then using J2EE Container   within the scope 
of TOMCAT domain only.

With regards

-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:ch...@christopherschultz.net]
Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2010 9:37 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Cc: Karthik Nanjangude
Subject: Re: Curious to know if the following is permitted

Hash: SHA1


On 3/3/2010 6:56 AM, Karthik Nanjangude wrote:
> Hi
>>> just use whatever the webapps inside
> I do not follow-up
> My requirements were to expose the "war" to Outer world via http
> and also use / provide credential access for the same application's Business 
> layer from outside the war file via  standalone Client via JNDI via RMI-IIOP
> This activity is to done when the Web application is up and running only ( 
> probably EOD process )
> Axis mounted on Web application would solve this problem ...
> but exploring any other way around with out AXIS ...

I don't believe that Tomcat provides complete a JNDI service, including
remote connection capability. I believe it is in-process only. That
means that, in order to access the information in JNDI, you'd have to
build your own service to do it.

I may be wrong, but I think you'll have to go do JBoss or some other
J2EE container to get a complete JNDI service.

The reason we're asking you about your requirements is that we suspect
there may be a better way to accomplish your task.

- -chris
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