With parent I meant the main JVM process as opposed to forked processes
or threads, sorry to confuse you there. Stracing the threads generates
too much data to store so I had to settle with the parent process.

To answer your other questions.

The code is 100% pure java, why it causes this messy crash is still
unclear but development is working to figure it out.

I'll follow up when we find out more, but I'm not sure if we're likely
to dig into the root cause, working around it is more of a priority
right now than debugging the jvm.

On Mon, 2010-03-15 at 17:08 +0100, Christopher Schultz wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Taylan,
> On 3/15/2010 10:19 AM, Taylan Develioglu wrote:
> > The cause for the crashes was in our own application code, we're
> > currently investigating the exact reason.
> Yeah, I'd like to second Chuck's question: was it native code?
> > A strace of the parent process shows killed by sigsegv, why or how this
> > can happen is still unclear.
> So, the parent was being killed? What was the parent of the JVM?
> > Thanks to everyone that gave their assistance.
> Definitely follow-up to let us all know what you've uncovered... this
> was certainly a weird situation.
> - -chris
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