
Our current configuration:

We are running tomcat 6.0.16 on windows 2003 enterprise.

We have a website which consists of an application part and a content part.
Both are in the same folder structure, eg.


the application comes as a war file and the content is placed via another

the folder structure is placed on a windows share.

Our current problem:

Whenever there is a problem with the share, the application crashes,
because tomcat can't find the application files anymore.
When the share comes back online, tomcat does not recover from the failure
and a restart is the only option.

Now I have the following questions:

I think separating the application from the content and placing the
application local to tomcat (basically on the same machine)
will solve the recovery issue.
I know placing everything local to the tomcat will be the best way and
gives the best performance, but at the moment that is not an option.

The questions

- Will placing the app local to the tomcat solve the recovery issue?
- Is there an easy way to seperate the app and the content, ie. some sort
of pathsetting ?

regards, Milko

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