it would appear that the entity ben that sets the password entered into this form tag may not accept a String as it's param as I keep getting illegal argument exception. Can anyoe advise on how I rectify?

From: "André Warnier" <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 11:57 AM
To: "Tomcat Users List" <>
Subject: Re: Log4j logging doesn't work when a web application is moved outside Tomcat/webapps directory

That was a nice and concise write-up, well-worth of an article in the Tomcat FAQ/WIKI. "How to setup Tomcat with 3 virtual hosts, each with its own homepage and Manager (and other) applications, and its own logfiles".

My only minor remark :

Mark Eggers wrote:

Finally for my setup, I added foo and bar to my hosts file in WINNT\system32\drivers\etc (this is an upgraded Windows/2000 Professional machine).

Upon starting up this mess, /***/ all three hosts were visible at localhost:8080, foo:8080, and bar:8080 as you would expect.

At the /***/, I would insert "from a browser running on the same machine".
Nothing to do with Tomcat really, but there are still quite a number of people out there confused by hostname lookup and IP routing stuff.

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