On 07/05/2010 21:28, Smith, Mark wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Jon Brisbin [mailto:jon.bris...@npcinternational.com]
>> On May 7, 2010, at 1:16 PM, Smith, Mark wrote:
>>> Is there a way to tell mod_jk that it has a new worker on a new
>>> hostname without having to reload Apache?  Similarly, to remove an
>>> existing worker that has gone away, or just to change the hostname of a
>>> worker.   I'm picturing an API on the status worker, or something
>>> similar.
>>> I don't want to just rewrite workers.properties and do a reload
>>> because we have several long uploads happening at any given time that
>>> get interrupted.  Reload/graceful works most of the time, but
>>> occasionally locks up the entire Apache instance, which is no good.
>>> I can't imagine we're the first to run into this problem, but I've
>>> done a lot of looking and can't find anything other than "rewrite
>>> workers.properties and reload Apache."
>> Reconfig/reload is essentially what I'm doing too, though I use
>> mod_proxy_ajp rather than mod_jk.
>> But the annoying thing is that you're absolutely right you're not the
>> first and it's frustrating knowing it'll be a while until enough
>> developers have a handle on cloud architectures to make meaningful
>> contributions to projects to address these fundamental problems.
> Ok, so the silver lining here is that I'm not a complete buffoon who just 
> doesn't know how to use Google to find the solution; there are, in fact, 
> others with the same problem.  That's a plus...  :-)
>> [...] To be honest, I'm seriously looking at using
>> ipchains or something to do NAT on the box and cut out Apache entirely.
> I thought about this.  The problem is that you want DNAT to change the 
> destination of your outgoing packets, but DNAT is only a valid target in 
> PREROUTING which only gets hit when receiving packets.  SNAT is valid in 
> POSTROUTING on the outgoing side, but doesn't help you with this problem.
> I have this at the top of all my IPTables files; feel free to use it.
> ----- snip! -----
> #############
> # For Reference
> #############
> # Packets traversal through netfilter:
> #
> #in -> (nat       ) -> [routing ] -> (FORWARDING) -> (nat        ) -> out
> #      (PREROUTING)    [decision]                    (POSTROUTING)
> #                          ||                          /\
> #                          \/                          ||
> #                        (INPUT)                     (nat OUTPUT)
> #                          ||                          /\
> #                          \/                          ||
> #                       [local  ] -----------------> (OUTPUT)
> #                       [process]
> ----- snip! -----
> Another option is to configure mod_jk for static hostnames then use either 
> /etc/hosts or an actual DNS cluster to change the mappings.  This relies on 
> the application in question honoring DNS TTLs (hint: Java doesn't by 
> default).  The good news is, it appears that mod_proxy_balancer at least 
> honors /etc/hosts.
> This is actually my current favorite option, but it just seems like a grand 
> hack, and it doesn't allow me to _ADD_ hosts to the config, only change them. 
>  So I'm likely to configure a large number of workers who will not be running 
> most of the time, let the auto-scaling system make the workers work or 
> not-work as it brings instances up and down, and accept the restart of Apache 
> when I have to increase the max number of workers.
> It's not pretty, but it looks like it'll work.
>> Or even writing my own proxy server from scratch. I hate that I keep
>> coming back to that so often lately. I just get frustrated, throw up my
>> hands, and resign myself to simply doing it myself. I lamented on this
>> very topic yesterday to The 451 Group when we talked about cloud
>> architectures etc...
> I guess that's why we all like Open Source: Code doesn't do what you want it 
> to?  Make it do it!  ;-)
> I've considered modifying mod_jk or mod_proxy_balancer to add this 
> functionality, but don't have the resources to do that just yet.

Cheap & dirty.

1. pre-configure each load balancer with a list of disabled workers:

<Proxy balancer://mycluster>
  BalancerMember http://tomcat01.mynet.internal:8009
  BalancerMember http://tomcat02.mynet.internal:8009
  BalancerMember http://tomcat03.mynet.internal:8009

  # ...
  BalancerMember http://tomcat99.mynet.internal:8009 status=D

2. update the hosts file on the load balancer to assign your newly
created virtual server IPs to one of the fake domain names above

3. enable the no-longer-a-dummy host using the /balancer-manager URLs

A variation on this will probably work for mod_jk, it might even work


> -Mark
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