Mladen Turk wrote:
On 05/07/2010 09:02 PM, Leo Donahue - PLANDEVX wrote:

I ended up turning IIS off and now run my site using Tomcat only. Everything seems to be working fine with just Tomcat serving up static HTTP. I don't even notice a difference.

Using isapi_redirect makes sense if you need to load balance
several backends or merge Servlet and .NET technologies
into the same app.
People are also using it inside intranets for integrated security
against domain controllers.

If this is the only reason for IIS, an alternative to do this directly in Tomcat is available here :

As a matter of fact, I sometimes use Tomcat + Jespa as a back-end to Apache httpd, /solely/ for the purpose of authenticating Apache users versus NTLM. IT's often easier to set up things that way, than trying to set up NTLM authentication in Apache itself.

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