* We are serious about our tomcat install, and find configuration file
and jvm tweaks about all we need to do.
* Agreed that most distro's (apart from the rolling release ones such as
gentoo, arch) are lagging behind. This is the problem in my view.
* I would rather delegate the responsibility for security patches to the
distro, like I do for kernel security patches.
* I want security and feature updates to the other software on the
distro, hence they are not unsolicited. Because these updates occur on
the test/dev system first, after passing distro QA, it seems pretty
unlikely a problem will effect our tomcat install on PROD.

Distros are all about delegation of *maintenance* responsibility to the
distro from the end-user. This frees up the end-user to actually build
apps, not the app-server.

Current distros seem to be not interested in maintaining tomcat packages
at the minor version release level. Pity.

But then again, responses seem to be that the .tar.gz "package" is good
enough for the community. Perhaps that is my answer.



-----Original Message-----
From: Harry Metske [mailto:harry.met...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, 20 May 2010 6:33 p.m.
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Keeping tomcat up-to-date on linux

I agree with Hassan,

our reasons to use the tar.gz install method :

* in most serious Tomcat environments you need more control over the
installation and configuration than the distro managed version offers.
* most distro's (especially RHEL) are lagging behind, so you don't get
the latest stuff you need
* we also keep an eye on this list and the tomcat website for updates,
and for security patching we use some sort of subscription service from
McAfee, so that should tell us if there are any security patches that
need to be applied quickly.
* it is usable and the same for all platforms we use
* makes the separation of duty easier with our Linux administrators, at
least I am sure I don't get unsolicited updates to my tomcat
installations when they run an update on every package on every linux
* we run multiple Tomcat instances on the same OS image, that is not
what the disto is facilitating
* better open source support

But the distro packaged version could be very usable for the masses and
non-pro use.

my two cents....


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