Thanks again for the info, Chris. Please excuse the formatting, I am
attempting to respond inline to the points below.

On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 6:16 PM, Christopher Schultz
<> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Ðavîd,
> On 5/20/2010 5:30 PM, Ðavîd Låndïs wrote:
>> I think it is "streaming" although it does use a buffered writer like
>> I mentioned before.
> Sure, but if you use a buffered writer to simply dump a huge byte array,
> that's not exactly streaming. What I meant, I guess was, does your code
> look like this:
> Writer out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(response.getWriter()));
> generateCSVdata(out);
> or, does your code look like this:
> String CSVdata = generateCSVdata();
> Writer out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(response.getWriter()));
> out.write(CSVdata);

Yes my code is like the former. It is "streaming".

> In both cases, the client can only download the data at a certain rate,
> so it'll "feel" like it's "streaming", but in the latter case, you've
> done 100% of the work before the first byte is delivered to the client.

No, the work is not done before hand. That is what I meant in previous
email, "Basically, I: generate a line of data, write to the print
writer and then repeat".

> Assuming you have code like the former, you'll have to wait for an
> exception indicating that the client has closed the connection and your
> generateCSVdata process should be interrupted. If you're not
> experiencing any interruptions, it could be due to any of the following
> reasons:

I am not experiencing any interruptions which is my problem. I am
hoping to find a way to get an interruption.

> a. You have a really large buffer
Could be I guess, but even when I tried to manually flush the writer,
I am not getting an exception.

> b. You have such little data that you can't cancel fast enough
No, I can cancel and the application continues streaming data for
several minutes.

> c. You generate data much faster than you think you do
No I debugged it and it keeps writing to the printwriter for several
minutes after I cancel the download on the client computer.

> d. The connection doesn't actually close right away
Could be, I am not familiar with what is actually supposed to happen
in this scenario. This seems pretty likely I guess but I was hoping
Tomcat would have some way of knowing that it was cancelled and close

> e. There is something else doing a significant amount of buffering
>   (which is why Chuck asked about the presence of httpd out in front)
Again, the server continues to write a lot of data -- 10+ megs after
the user cancels.

> I'm sure there are other possibilities. Are you observing a long-running
> generation of data that just doesn't terminate when the client hangs up
> the phone?

> If so, try looking at netstat to see what the status is at
> the socket level, etc. If you can't cause a long enough content
> generation step, you can always loop over your generateCSVdata call as a
> test, or introduce artificial delays into the code (think Thread.sleep)
> to give yourself some time for observations during those critical moments.

Good call on the netstat, I will try that.

>> The PrintWriter flushes itself along the way
> Do you mean as a natural course of buffering, or do you explicitly call
> out.flush() periodically? You'll get better performance and throughput
> if you don't explicitly call out.flush (except at the very end, when
> you've run out of content).

I am not explicitly calling flush. But I have tried that as a test.
Yes I noticed it was slower as well.

> - -chris
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