On 08/06/2010 04:38, Amit Parmar wrote:
> I am working on various web applications one of them being a Struts2
> application. When I deploy the war file from Elcipse, the war is not
> exploded property.

Define "not exploded properly".
Does this happen on clean installations or only updates?

> So I have to Stop Tomcat -> Delete the context of the application -> Restart
> Tomcat, everytime I want to deploy the changes.

That sounds like the locked files problem.

> This is a problem only with the Struts2 application. Other applications are
> working all right.
> Googling I came to know of setting attributes [reloadable="true"
> antijarlocking="true" antiresourcelocking="true"] in Context.xml but that
> too does not solve the problem.

How did you set these?

> Here is my environment detail:
> Tomcat : 5.5.25
> Eclipse for Java developer : 3.2.2
> JDK : 1.5

Operating system?


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