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On 7/12/2010 9:14 AM, Rainer Frey wrote:
> I understand that, but would it be possible/good/not causing problems to 
> change this to do CATALINA_BASE="$CATALINA_HOME first, so a setenv.sh can 
> rely 
> on CATALINA_BASE being set?

I think I understand the source of the confusion, here:

1. you want CATALINA_BASE to be set before CATALINA_HOME/bin/setenv.sh
   is invoked
2. CATALINA_BASE must be set to something other than CATALINA_BASE
   in order for CATALINA_BASE/bin/setenv.sh to be invoked /at all/
3. case here is that CATALINA_HOME/bin/setenv.sh is being used,
   but you want to use CATALINA_BASE/[something] in your generic scripts

Okay, let's start from #2: if a user is going to use CATALINA_BASE, it
must be set before any scripts are called, otherwise CATALINA_BASE
doesn't get used at all (and CATALINA_HOME is the appropriate location
of whatever configuration files you want to use).

There will be cases where CATALINA_BASE is not set at all, and therefore
essentially defaults to CATALINA_HOME. It is in this case that blindly
using CATALINA_BASE in your CATALINA_HOME/bin/setenv.sh script is

Okay, then don't use it blindly.

How about something like this in your setenv.sh:

if [ -n "${CATALINA_BASE}" ] ; then

source "${THE_BASE_DIR}/some_setup_script.sh"


> I want to know the path to the conf directory in setenv.sh, and I prefer to 
> do 
> that in a manner that does not depend on whether this setenv.sh is used 
> in a standard installation with CATALINA_BASE=$CATALINA_HOME or in a multi-
> instance setup with 


> So my question essentially is: would you be interested in a patch that 
> changes 
> catalina.sh, or is there a good reason to leave it as is, and let everybody  
> sort this out themselves in their setenv.sh?

It's probably a good thing for setenv.sh to be able to determine whether
CATALINA_BASE is explicitly set, though I suppose if CATALINA_BASE ==
CATALINA_HOME, then there's no distinct CATALINA_BASE.

I'm not sure a patch is necessary, since the script has all the
information it needs. Perhaps your script will have to be a bit more
verbose (for instance, by explicitly testing for CATALINA_BASE), but it
is certainly not prohibited from doing it's own work.

Does your setenv.sh script expect to use a default file
(CATALINA_HOME/conf/whatever.jmx) and allow it to be overridden in
CATALINA_BASE/conf/whatever.jmx? If so, then your script will have to
test both locations, anyway, because you'll have to check to see if the
(optional) override file exists in CATALINA_BASE and then check for it
again under CATALINA_HOME.

Having a blank CATALINA_BASE seems to be helpful in this situation.

Is there a situation that you think doesn't work given the current
script behavior?

- -chris
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