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On 7/16/2010 3:08 AM, shivanic wrote:
> For comparing performance of Apache Tomcat 7 with APR and Jboss Web
> Server with APR version 2.1.4 with Tomcat 7 we have done a load test
> of an app. The Open SSL and APR libtcnative files were in the path
> using the LD_LIBRARY_PATH env variable. The protocol used was HTTPS.

Can you clarify? Are you using the same version of APR with both Tomcat
7 and JBoss? APR 2.1.4 is an unlikely version number. Care to double-check?

> While doing load testing with HP Load Runner we observed the following
> response times(seconds) for 100 concurrent users:
>                              Tomcat7  JbossWebServer-2.1.4    Jboss4.2.3
> ============================================
> Login                   94.63         38.74                 63.826

Wow... login takes 30 second under the best of conditions? That seems...
long. Or, is this the total time to serve 100 requests all at once?

> Tomcat7 has the following server.xml configuration :
> <Connector port="28443" protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true"
>                maxThreads="350" scheme="https" secure="true"
>                clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS"
> SSLCertificateFile="${catalina.base}/conf/server.crt" 
> SSLCertificateKeyFile="${catalina.base}/conf/server.key"  />
> As you see, the attributes  "acceptCount" and  "connectionTimeout" are not
> specified. How much impact can these have on the response time of Apache
> Tomcat 7?.

I can't imagine that these timeouts would be diminishing your
performance. About all you might be able to do is refuse connections
more quickly, but that's unlikely to be your goal.

> What all the are the ways in which we can determine the cause of
> the high response time for Tomcat?

Uhh... there could be many reasons that your webapp runs slowly.

> Also I noticed that RequestDumper Valve can no longer be used in Tomcat7.
> Any specific reason why this has been removed - is there any alternative
> debugging valve created? Since that is frequently used to debug the response
> headers.

RequestDumperValve has been replaced by RequestDumperFilter, part of an
effort to replace Valves with Filters to be more spec-compliant, and
therefore more flexible. This is the class you want:

Also see:

Note that you will configure this component in web.xml, now, and not in

- -chris
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