Carlton Whitmore wrote:
We're running Windows 2008 R2, Tomcat 6, MS SQL 2005, JDK 6 update 20
and authenticating using AD from Windows 2003 R2 server.

The application we're using causes intermittent single sign-on errrors.
We tried to upgrade to Tomcat 7 and the SSO errors went away, but the
system was so slow it was unusable. Sometimes we get 8 SSO errors before
we're able to use the system, but when it works it's very fast.

Would you mind specifying which SSO mechanism you are using where, and why you believe that the problem is related to Tomcat ?

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  • Single ... Carlton Whitmore
    • Re... André Warnier
      • ... Pid
      • ... Carlton Whitmore
        • ... Caldarale, Charles R
          • ... Carlton Whitmore
            • ... Caldarale, Charles R
        • ... André Warnier
          • ... Stewart, Kevin L. (GSFC-417.0)[CONSTELLATION SOFTWARE ENGINEERING]
            • ... André Warnier
          • ... André Warnier

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