On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 1:16 AM, Marc Chamberlin <m...@marcchamberlin.com>

> Thanks Wesley!!! That did the trick, and yes, shtml does not work... But
> this should be ok for our needs, our users don't create .shtml files, and
> this also worked for .jsp and .htm files as well as .html...
> on the Tomcat site should be updated to discuss this, IMHO... And it might
> be an interesting exercise to figure out how to make this work for all
> if one is looking for exercises... ;-)

For the record, the documentation actually does say it.  You need to know
what mime types are though.

*contentType* - A regex pattern that must be matched before SSI processing
is applied. When crafting your own pattern, don't forget that a mime content
type may be followed by an optional character set in the form "mime/type;
charset=set" that you must take into account. Default is

Green emphisis assuming the mailing list allows html mail is mine.

Also as a side note you can have multiple mappings for one filter.So in
production based on your requirements I'd do the following




 That should fix it.  In case your wondering what mime types that are used
in tomcat they are all listed in the web.xml in the conf subfolder of

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