Hi guys,

At the moment i have several catalina bases configured with the following

conf logs server webapps work

The bin, lib and common directories are all still in $CATALINA_HOME.

I now need to add a setenv.sh file in the bin directory but i dont want it
to be used by all the catalina bases. I only want 2 out of the 4 catalina
bases to use the setenv.sh file.

To do this i am thinking of adding a bin directory on the catalina_base/bin
that i want to pick up the setenv.sh file. The bin directory will only
contain the setenv.sh file and nothing else. Everything else will still be
in $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ (ie. startup.sh catalina.sh shutdown.sh etc). This
means that some catalina bases will have /bin directories and some wont.

Are there any side effects to doing this? Can tomcat use both
$CATALINA_BASE/bin/ and $CATALINA_HOME/bin during startup?

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