Conway, see inline comments below:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Conway Liu []
> Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 1:11 AM
> To:
> Subject: Tomcat Service configuration for running sites
> Hi,
> Thanks to all who answered my previous post regarding running Tomcat
> with IIS7.
> I am still quite confused about the whole thing, so I think I should
> try to
> forget about IIS for the time being, and concentrate first on how to
> get Tomcat
> service to serve a java website sitting physically outside of Tomcat's
> installed
> folder.
> BTW, platform is Windows 2008 R2 64bit.
> Tomcat installed is 5.5.32. (In my previous question I installed 6.0.30
> but I
> now realised when the website was running on Linux, my manager was
> using 5.5.23
> and now I can only find 5.5.32 to download. I hope it makes no
> difference).

With this platform, you need to be very careful.  If you run with the native 
libraries (APR), and you are using IPv4 addresses, you will need to specify the 
"address=" attribute in all your <Connector> tags in server.xml.  You'd need to 
do that anyway if running multiple instances, but you have to even for a single 
Tomcat instance on that platform.

> For example, Tomcat service is installed on: (... means some more sub
> folders or
> files within):
> C:\Tomcat\
> And the subfolders under this folder are:
> C:\tomcat\bin\...   (contains tomcat5.exe, tomcat5w.exe, and 3 .jar
> files)
> C:\tomcat\common\...
> C:\tomcat\conf\...   (contains catalina.policy,,
> context.xml,, server.xml, server-minimal.xml,
> tomcat-users.xml, web.xml)
> C:\Tomcat\conf\Catalina\
> C:\Tomcat\conf\Catalina\localhost
> C:\tomcat\logs
> C:\tomcat\server
> C:\Tomcat\server\classes\
> C:\Tomcat\server\lib\...   (many .jar files in there, e.g.
> catalina.jar)
> C:\Tomcat\server\webapps\...
> C:\tomcat\shared\...
> C:\tomcat\temp
> C:\tomcat\webapps\ROOT\...
> C:\tomcat\work
> My Java web application is placed in:
> C:\WebApp1\
> With subfolders:
> C:\WebApp1\bin\...   (contains tomcat5.exe and tomcat5w.exe and many
> .sh and
> .bat files as we previously start this site using the startup.bat
> before I
> installed the Tomcat service)
> C:\WebApp1\common\...
> C:\WebApp1\conf\...   (contains catalina.policy,,
> context.xml,, server.xml, server-minimal.xml,
> tomcat-users.xml, web.xml specifically used by this website)
> C:\WebApp1\conf\Catalina\
> C:\WebApp1\logs\
> C:\WebApp1\server\
> C:\WebApp1\server\lib\...   (many .jar files in there, e.g.
> catalina.jar)
> C:\WebApp1\shared\...
> C:\WebApp1\sslcerts\...   (SSL certificates in here)
> C:\WebApp1\webapps\ROOT\...   (This is the root of the website. E.g.
> default.jsp
> sits in here)
> C:\WebApp1\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes\...   (The java classes we
> created to be
> used for the website to interact with back-end database)
> C:\WebApp1\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\lib\...   (some 3rd party .jar files
> specifically used by this website)
> C:\WebApp1\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\web.xml   (contains the listener
> definition,
> points to the listener class, so that when this site starts the
> listener class
> can perform some initialisation tasks)
> C:\WebApp1\work

You don't need to duplicate the entire Tomcat structure for your webapp.  Get 
rid of everything else in C:\WebApp1 except the ROOT and sslcerts directory.  
Then configure everything else in the C:\Tomcat directory structure, 
particularly the server.xml file.  Change the ROOT.xml file to point to 
C:\WebApp1\ROOT and you should be fine.

Of course, re-reading the Tomcat documentation is highly suggested, as a number 
of your base assumptions are incorrect.

> Question:
> 1. How should I configure Tomcat service so that it serves the WebApp1
> website?
> Which file in which folder to modify?
> 2. When Tomcat starts WebApp1 website, which set of configuration files
> is it
> using? (Those in C:\tomcat\conf\ or those in C:\WebApp1\conf\?)
> 3. If I am to add another website to the same server, say C:\WebApp2,
> with exact
> folder structure as WebApp1, how should I configure Tomcat service so
> that it
> serves both WebApp1 and WebApp2?
> 4. The two sites will use different IP addresses. For example WebApp1
> is
>, and WebApp2 is How do I tell Tomcat which
> IP belongs
> to which website?
> Again, your input is very much appreciated.
> Best regards
> Conway

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