
I'm sorry. I do read too much of walkthroughs and tutorials messing
with tomcat configuration which ended badly, that I got myself into
some mindless frenzy mode. I check everything once again in setup with
resource-local transaction and found out, that I've overlooked
misconfigured oracle dialect.

I'm really sorry that I did waste your time in vain. Thank you for
your effort in helping me, everything is ok now.

2011/2/22 Christopher Schultz <>:
> Hash: SHA1
> Martin,
> On 2/20/2011 1:51 PM, Martin Mucha wrote:
>> Yes, I know I cannot use container managed EntityManager. Tomcat does
>> not support JTA, ok. But I should be able, also the article points it
>> out, to use application managed EntityManager with RESOURCE_LOCAL
>> transaction type. Just like in SE java.
>> In SE java everything works just fine for me.
> Good to know.
>> Actually the code looks just as in that article:
>> EntityManagerFactory emf =
>> Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("insolvencePU");
>> EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
>> em.getTransaction().begin();
>> //and the rest of transaction.
>> my persistence.xml looks like:
> So, this persistence.xml file works fine in a standalone Java SE
> program? You should be able to get it to work under Tomcat then. Where
> is your persistence.xml file when you run your standalone Java SE test
> program, and what is the effective CLASSPATH?
> Where is your persistence.xml file when you deploy it along with your
> webapp? I would expect that it should be in WEB-INF/classes (or at the
> root of a JAR file found in WEB-INF/lib).
>> Line
>> EntityManagerFactory emf =
>> Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("insolvencePU");
>> fires an Exception complaining about unability to build
>> EntityManagerFactory. That leads me to suspicion that either the
>> persistence.xml, the data source or "something-else" is wrong. But I'm
>> quite to unable to find out what.
> I'm guessing that the Persistence framework just can't find your
> configuration file.
> - -chris
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