Yes, i do have such a jar file. And i extracted its contents and verified that 
the class exists.
I have extracted war's contents and this is what i got in a folder names 
Hibernate (as expected)

I added the specific jar to server's installation directory and the error 
doesn't appear anymore, but i change i get a lot more strange, struts-specific 
errors like 

WARNING: Error setting expression 'user.firstname' with value 
ognl.OgnlException: firstname [java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument 
type mismatch]
    at ognl.ObjectPropertyAccessor.setProperty(

but Struts worked before perfectly and i haven't made any changes to it since.
Anyhow, i do not wish to keep those hibernate libs in the server's lib dir. So 
i'm not going to keep them forever. I'd appreciate a more elegant solution for 
the error, if possible. Thank you!
--- On Tue, 4/26/11, chris derham <> wrote:

From: chris derham <>
Subject: Re: SEVERE: Exception starting filter
To: "Tomcat Users List" <>
Date: Tuesday, April 26, 2011, 11:03 AM

> Now
>  i know that this looks way to easy to spot. It's obvious that i am
> missing a class. But the problem is that the class is right there where
> it should be. I mean, Ant sees the class and gives no compilation errors,
> also my IDE (Eclipse) sees the class (from the build path), but when i start
> the server, it gives my that error.
> order.hibernate.Session should reside in hibernate-x.y.z.jar - x.y.z vary
depending on the version you are using. Do you have such jar in your war
file? Can you reply with a list of the jar files in your war file?


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