> WEB-INF/lib/Hibernate/hibernate-core-3.6.3.Final.jar
> WEB-INF/lib/Hibernate/hibernate-jpa-2.0-api-1.0.0.Final.jar
> WEB-INF/lib/Hibernate/hibernate-search-analyzers-3.4.0.Final.jar
> From your listing, you have located the hibernate jar files in a
subdirectory of WEB-INF/lib. I believe Tomcat will not pickup jar files from
such a subdirectory. Can you add these jar files such that they appear in
the WEB-INF/lib folder of the war? How do you create the war file - via ant?
If so, then please post you relevant task

> I also tried to remove everything from the project that was hibernate
> related so that i could be assured that struts at least works ok, but
> unfortunately this is not the case. I'm getting the following error when i
> reach the certain action (from a form for registration) :

Submitting further exception messages for changes other than those suggested
will only confuse the email thread. If you follow the steps above, the
problem will go away


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