>> Yes, i do have such a jar file. And i extracted its contents and verified
>> that the class exists.
>> I have extracted war's contents and this is what i got in a folder names
>> Hibernate (as expected) http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13391208/Screenshot.png
>> Can you please run the following command to list the contents of the war
> file under the WEB-INF/lib directory - the screenshot doesn't show the
> details required. Then post the output.
> jar -tf application.war WEB-INF/lib
>>  I added the specific jar to server's installation directory and the
>> error doesn't appear anymore, but i change i get a lot more strange,
>> struts-specific errors like
> If you do this, you will get different exceptions. You should remove the
> hibernate.jar from tomcat home's lib folder
> Chris

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