Thierry Templier wrote:

I developped an application that uses UTF8 encoding since it needs to display 
arabic characters. When directly accessing the application from Tomcat, 
everything works fine. When I tried to access it through Apache web server and 
mod jk, I have problems to display such characters. Utf8 is correctly 
configured within Apache web server since I can display them from static pages. 
So it seems the problem comes from mod jk.

Is there a way to configure modjk to use utf8 encoding for http requests and 


I suggest to get one of the browser add-ons which allow to display the complete HTTP response from the webserver to the browser (iow the HTTP headers as well as the content). For Firefox, you can use for example HttpFox; for IE, there is Fiddler2. A quick search in Google will lead you to the download page.

Install one of those, re-do your server request, and carefully compare what you 
get back
a) from Tomcat directly
b) from Apache + mod_jk + tomcat

The way that a browser will display a page (in terms of charset) depends on 3 
elements :

1) when the server sends a response, it includes a "Content-type" HTTP header, which in this case should be something like :
Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

2) any <meta> tags included inside the <head> portion of the html page.
For example, a tag such as :
<meta http-equiv="content-type" value="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />

3) the way in which the browser (each specific browser, and sometimes even version) interprets the above.

According to the HTTP RFCs, the browser SHOULD NOT "second-guess" what the server says in terms of content-type. In other words, if the server says
Content-type: something; charset=somecharset
then the browser should blindly follow this, and not make its own determination.

However, IE for one is notorious for not following this aspect of the RFCs, and constantly trying to determine by itself what it is receiving, often in contradiction to what the server says. And worse, the determination it makes depends on the version of IE, and sometimes even on the patches applied to ir or to Windows.

3a) ultimately, it is the user who is in control. In the browser settings, there is a way to override the above, and force the browser to always display the page in a specific character set. It does not sound that this is an issue in your case, but better check anyway.

But first, make sure that what you are receiving in one case or the other is really the same, headers and content.
And maybe also try it with different browsers, to see if the result is always 
the same.

Once you know the answer to that, then you can start looking for the issue in a more focused way.

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