Yes for the ajax.

If im getting it well, i have no need to tie the user with an image instance. 
image1 is the same for every users.

Isnt servletcontext shared within the webapp? Meaning that every session access 
the same servletcontext?


Enviado desde blackberry

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Gainty <>
Date: Thu, 5 May 2011 21:26:12 
To: Tomcat Users List<>
Reply-To: "Tomcat Users List" <>
Subject: RE: storing images

achieved if you correspond the userid-imageid parameter with the acquired image 
identifier e.g.
?code=1.1 puts user1 image 1 on servlet and returns <img src=servlet?get=1.1>
 ?code=1.2 puts user1 image 2 on servlet and returns <img src=servlet?get=1.2>
 ?code=2.1 puts user2 image 1 on servlet and returns <img src=servlet?get=2.1>

are you using XMLHTTPRequest for ajax ?
Martin Gainty 
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> Subject: Re: storing images
> To:
> From:
> Date: Fri, 6 May 2011 00:19:06 +0000
> What i did (im testing and profiling it) is.
> As the images are around 10/12 and each image has around 30 to 35k.
> Im storing the images as servletcontext attribute.
> So calling to the servlet with ?code=1 builds and stores image1 on servlet 
> context. And returns html with 
<img src=servlet?get=1>
> So ajax sends that to the jsp that calls servlet?get and that returns the 
> image.
> It's working now, what im profiling is to verify no matter how many users are 
> requesting images, image1 is the same for every user and if one user builds 
> up the image again, all others gets the new one.
> As those images are stored on servletcontext, all are shared among the webapp 
> so images are not duplicated or triplicated or n-cated.
> I dont know if it's a good solution, but up to know it's working and really 
> fast.
> Regards
> Enviado desde blackberry
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christopher Schultz <>
> Date: Thu, 05 May 2011 20:00:57 
> To: Tomcat Users List<>
> Reply-To: "Tomcat Users List" <>
> Subject: Re: storing images
> Hash: SHA1
> Alexis,
> On 5/5/2011 2:19 PM, alexis wrote:
> > I have a servlet that basically does
> > 
> > . creates an image
> > . store the image on disk
> > . returns an html <img> tag pointing to the stored image.
> > 
> > there's no way to return binary content (the image) from the servlet to the 
> > ajax script.
> What about JSON? Not that I think it's a terribly good idea, but it's
> just a thought.
> Another thought is possibly using a database, relational or otherwise,
> rather than the file system. Of course, you'd have to write your own
> servlet to access the image from the database instead of the filesystem,
> so I'm not sure it buys you much over the other solutions presented already.
> - -chris
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (MingW32)
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