small images (never more than 35kB) in a LAN. :)

On May 6, 2011, at 1:12 PM, Martin Gainty wrote:

> depends on available bandwidth as well as the memory available on the client 
> side
> if bandwidth is an issue you may want to implement some manner of compression 
> with jai (Java Advanced Imaging)
> if your app is rendering small pics where clarity is not a requirement you 
> probably will never have an issue
> if your app is rendering large maps then you'll need to look at JAI or 
> implement compression algorithm with another tool.
> Martin 
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>> Subject: Re: storing images
>> To:
>> From:
>> Date: Fri, 6 May 2011 14:52:50 +0000
>> I understand, but i have top 12 images of 35kbytes, no more.
>> Encoding load is an issue yes, but the images are reflecting callcenters 
>> call queues and some stuff related so the need to refresh and rebuild the 
>> images is a requirement. What im thinking is to avoid the generation upon 
>> servlet calls (servlet only reads and presents the image to callers) and 
>> start a different thread with a listener in charge to periodically rebuild 
>> images.
>> Do you believe regarding memory it can cause a big issue? In worst case it's 
>> 450kbytes when all images are created and stored.
>> Enviado desde blackberry
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Christopher Schultz <>
>> Date: Fri, 06 May 2011 09:48:45 
>> To: Tomcat Users List<>
>> Reply-To: "Tomcat Users List" <>
>> Subject: Re: storing images
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Alexis,
>> On 5/5/2011 8:19 PM, alexis wrote:
>>> Im storing the images as servletcontext attribute.
>> Uh... in memory? That's a bad idea IMO for two reasons:
>> 1. Large memory requirements
>> 2. Likely repeated encoding into a file format like JPEG, PNG, etc.
>> If you store the files on the disk, you can stream them as often as
>> you'd like. If you get a request for an image that already exists, you
>> can serve it up, otherwise, you can create it.
>> You can even create a hash of lock objects or something so that you can
>> "lock" the file as it's being written so that the file is only written
>> once even if multiple clients are requesting it.
>> - -chris
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