It's ok, theres no need to keep or persist images on reloads/restart/reboots.

Since images are graphs generates with jfreechart on measurements done live by 
the same webapp.
So, upon reboot if the getattribute from servletcontext requesting an image 
returns null, i return a message from the servlet 'building image'

Since the same call forces an image rebuild and the request is from ajax with a 
setinterval, on next request will be an image available.
Worst scenario is no image for 5 seconds and thats acceptable for the webapp.

Enviado desde blackberry

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Thomas <>
Date: Fri, 06 May 2011 09:09:55 
To: Tomcat Users List<>
Reply-To: "Tomcat Users List" <>
Subject: Re: storing images

On 06/05/2011 01:19, alexis wrote:
> What i did (im testing and profiling it) is.
> As the images are around 10/12 and each image has around 30 to 35k.
> Im storing the images as servletcontext attribute.
> So calling to the servlet with ?code=1 builds and stores image1 on servlet 
> context. And returns html with <img src=servlet?get=1>
> So ajax sends that to the jsp that calls servlet?get and that returns the 
> image.
> It's working now, what im profiling is to verify no matter how many users are 
> requesting images, image1 is the same for every user and if one user builds 
> up the image again, all others gets the new one.
> As those images are stored on servletcontext, all are shared among the webapp 
> so images are not duplicated or triplicated or n-cated.
> I dont know if it's a good solution, but up to know it's working and really 
> fast.

In short you are trading memory for speed. If you have the memory and
need/want the speed then that is a good approach.

A couple of things to think about:
- What happens when the app is reloaded? Do you want to cache the
generated images?
- Do you want to pre-generate these images on application start?


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