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On 6/15/2011 4:00 PM, Francis GALIEGUE wrote:
> Proposal: implement a command to Bootstrap which:
> * does NOT return until ALL webapps configured at start time are
> (attempted to be) deployed;
> * exits with a positive error code representing the number of webapps
> NOT correctly deployed (or 1 - I don't care as long as it's not 0, but
> please not -1, think WIFSIGNALED()).

The above requirements actually might not be possible in a reasonably
simple system.

First off, the JVM provides no pure-Java way of letting a process go
into the background. So, there's really no opportunity to do some work
in Java and /then/ return to the calling process without terminating.

Second, an OS return code requires a process termination, and you
certainly don't want to terminate the JVM you've just started.

About the best we could do is change catalina.sh from roughly this:

java org.apache.tomcat.Bootstrap >> logs/catalina.out &

to this:

java org.apache.tomcat.Bootstrap >> logs/catalina.out &

tail -f logs/catalina.out | grep -m 1 "INFO: Server startup"

exit 0

There are some problems with this approach:

1. It's not foolproof... if your server is insanely fast, it might
   start before tail | grep runs, and you might wait forever

2. The log messages are localized, so you'll have to use the proper
   localized message instead of just "INFO: Server startup"

3. This is so simple that you should be able to do it yourself

Does this really need to be a part of the stock Tomcat? I'm not
convinced that this exact solution would meet everyone's needs so it
would need to be further customized, anyway.

- -chris
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