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On 6/17/2011 1:21 AM, Mladen Turk wrote:
> On 06/17/2011 12:14 AM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
>> On 6/16/2011 5:03 PM, Francis GALIEGUE wrote:
>>> I was actually wondering about these. I think I have my answer now :/
>>> Solutions in C or other languages are many to achieve that, Java has
>>> none.
>> Correct: native code has to be written. tc-native notwithstanding, the
>> Tomcat team doesn't like to work with native code too much, and I can
>> understand why: it's a total minefield. Different OS versions, different
>> architectures, different c-library discrepancies, etc.
> There ARE tomcat developers that are quite fun of C code and
> regularly participate in various "native" projects, so this
> has nothing to do with that.

I wasn't trying to suggest that there was any fear of native code...
just that it's really only used when necessary (APR, for instance).

>> Even if someone wrote something like this in native code, the result
>> would be essentially a fork() call which would clone your JVM, which
>> isn't going to be a fast process at that late stage of the game (in JVM
>> time, that is).
> Exactly, and the fork() doesn't work with JVM. fork() only forks the
> single thread, so all your monitor, GC, memory threads are not there.
> For JVM, fork() is only valid if followed by execv which is basically
> what Runtime.exec does.

Yes, but the "daemon" function calls fork() and then the /parent/ exist,
which would ruin everything. I don't believe there's another way to drop
in to the background after a process is launched like that.

> Also there is a question of portability. Windows doesn't have fork().

Yup. There are ways of making it work, but it's just another way for
native code to bite you in the butt.

- -chris
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