> JSPs should be used for output with all processing (and, hopefully,
> anything that can fail) having already been completed by the time the
> JSP runs.

That's a REALLY good point.  The JSP can be thought of as simply bieing a
view with all (or most) of the heavy lifting done elsewhere.  Within the
limited context of handling errors, I think that your point would be
compelling.  However, I can think of many other uses one could make of a
capability to forward from a JSP.  I'm sure that there are even more uses
that haven't occurred to me.  It would just be a real nice capability to
have available.  Accordingly, I would like to play around with it a bit.
I've learned a lot from what I have done so far; and, if nothing else I'm
sure the exercise wiill provide a great learning experience.

I'm sure that I'll be running into difficulty and posting.  However, I think
that the issue that I have raised in this thread has been solved.  If (more
like when) I have other problems I will post in a new thread.  Thanks to all
for all of the great help that I received in this thread.

        ... doug

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