
We have a Tomcat 5.5.25 server connected to Apache 2.2.9 over mod_ajp_proxy.
Monitoring of the servers shows that AJP proxy connections are not reused
but closed and reopened. Frequent closing of TCP connections leaves many
connections in TIME_WAIT state and this is something we would prefer to
avoid if possible.

While reviewing of Apache, Tomcat and mod_proxy settings I found that the
response from Tomcat contains a flag that indicates if the TCP connection
should be reused after the end of a request-handling cycle.

http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_proxy_ajp.html#resppacketstruct (See
Response packet structure)

My understanding of the *reuse* flag in AJP13_END_RESPONSE structure is that
this flag is hard coded and cannot be controlled by configuration settings.
I couldn't find any in Tomcat AJP connector configuration that could do

Since Tomcat is sending the response, is there any way to control the reuse
of AJP TCP connection through Tomcat configuration? I hope I don't have to
resort to editing and recompilation of the mod_ajp_proxy module :-)



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