> SetEnv force-proxy-request-1.0 1 SetEnv proxy-nokeepalive 1
This setting should control the mod_http_proxy connections. I forgot to
mention this Apache server does that.
I'll definitely take out these settings, because the http proxy connections
should also be persistent.

Regarding the upgrade of the Tomcat server we might not be able to do that.
The application hosted by Tomcat has dependency on the Tomcat 5.5.x version
which limits our options. I'll need to determine yet which version would be
compliant with our application.

I am also considering to install Apache Portable Runtime to improve
connectors performance and determine its effects on the persistence of the
proxy connections. What do you think?



On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 9:18 PM, Christopher Schultz <
ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Dimitar,
> On 10/18/2011 8:30 PM, Dimitar Georgievski wrote:
> > SetEnv force-proxy-request-1.0 1 SetEnv proxy-nokeepalive 1
> I'm no expert, but seeing keepalives disabled for a proxy connection
> would sure make me think that maybe that setting is disabling, ya
> know, the keepalive-style connection that AJP is supposed to maintain.
> > by monitoring Apache performance through stats provided by
> > mod_status I've noticed that the AJP TCP connection is always
> > closed after Tomcat serves a static resource like CSS, JavaScript,
> > image or a JAR file .
> How about after a request to a dynamic resource?
> > by monitoring Apache performance through stats provided by
> > mod_status I've noticed that the AJP TCP connection is always
> > closed after Tomcat serves a static resource like CSS, JavaScript,
> > image or a JAR file
> So you're sure you're seeing the AJP connection close and not just the
> HTTP "connection" though it?
> I'd try NOT disabling keepalives and see if that helps.
> - -chris
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