Op maandag, 24 oktober 2011 12:55 schreef "Hodchenkov, Paul" 

Hi all,
 I have configured tomcat 7 cluster by using [1] with DeltaManager and it works 
 However I have the following 2 questions:
1) My application stores session map in memory(admin can force logout of any user and change some session attribute). Will this session attribute be replicated if it is changed without tomcat http request (changed by backend task for example)? 2) It's seems that expireSessionsOnShutdown=false in DeltaManager can solve the problem with http://old.nabble.com/sessionListener.sessionDestroyed-is-called-on-shutdown-of-a-node-in-the-cluster-td16178701.html?
 [1] http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-7.0-doc/cluster-howto.html
Best Regards,
 Paul Hodchenkov
 Senior Java developer, Oxagile
 Skype: paul.hodchenkov
 Email: mailto:paul.hodchen...@oxagile.com


1. Changes in the session are only replicated at the end of a request. BTW: My 
experience with holding references to Sessions in your own map is that it is 
harder than you think. It is more easy to create a map with blocked userids and 
block those users with a filter.

2. I don't understand your question.


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