On 09/12/2011 16:37, André Warnier wrote:
> David kerber wrote:
>> On 12/9/2011 10:49 AM, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
>>>> From: Martin O'Shea [mailto:app...@dsl.pipex.com]
>>>> Subject: RE: Tomcat memory allocation
>>>> I should add that Tomcat is running as a Windows service,
>>>> it isn't started manually.
>>> In that case, nothing that we've been discussing about JAVA_OPTS,
>>> CATALINA_OPTS, startup.bat, catalina.bat, and setenv.bat is
>>> relevant.  All JVM config settings need to be done with the
>>> tomcat?w.exe program.
>> Or directly in the registry (tomcat?w just changes those entries).
> I wouldn't do that. According to Microsoft, editing the Registry
> directly can cause your teeth to turn green and rot, your hair to fall
> off your head and grow on your back, and can cause the java heap to boil
> over and stain your keyboard.

This man tried editing the registry BY HAND:





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