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On 12/12/11 8:27 PM, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
>> From: André Warnier [mailto:a...@ice-sa.com] Subject: Re: path used
>> for tc-natuve
>> And if I do this, where do I put the result, in such a way that 
>> it doesn't overwrite the  existing one used by tomcat5.5 ?
> One would normally place it in Tomcat's bin directory, and set
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH or -Djava.library.path to point there.  It's a bit
> scary (and rude) to put it in a public place.


I think Andre's original problem wasn't with tcnative, but with
libapr. If you build the new tcnative dynamically-linked, then you're
going to have the same problem.

Other possibilities include building everything (libapr and
libtcnative) and putting them into, say, CATALINA_HOME/bin. I recently
had a fun (read: miserable) time doing this with 2 versions of each
(total of 4 possibilities) along with 2 libssl versions at the same
time. Trying to trump the system-level libraries requires that you
cover all your bases, otherwise some library name (like
libapr.1.4.2.so) will not override /usr/lib/libapr.1.so. Make sure
you've got all your symlinks right :)

- -chris
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