You can't, unless you have a filter parsing the outbound generated
page, or use JavaScript on the client (neither of which I'd recommend).

One of the options I was thinking of writing the filter just to get the path of 
the clicked pages and use that.

But now I feel I might not require that.

   >>>Of course, there's no parameter being set on that link.
Thanks for clarifying this.I am not a full time developer so obviously I am 
prone to make mistakes.Good now I realise how to pull values.I do have around 
15 pages and around 10 servlets with some bits of JSTL.But again some days I 
work with JS/CSS and some days with Java.So sometimes do forget these basic 
things.Lucky I am sometimes good folks like you point it out.

For that matter if you use the 'books.jsp' =>  Books approach, you
can probably use JSTL to do that transform. Or create a custom tag
to handle it (possibly better).

I am working on it now that I have some clarity as how I can implement this.

One final doubt can I have one servlet similar to listener which will listen to 
the clicks,store the path info,validate the sessions and then push that data to 
some jsp and I can include that jsp in my all pages.Do I need to implement this 
exactly the way we implement httpsession listener ?

and also Hassan many thanks for direction.

On 12/29/2011 6:02 AM, Hassan Schroeder wrote:
On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 3:58 PM, Kiran Badi<>  wrote:

<a href='/books' name="books">Books</a>

How can I pull out name value here ?
You can't, unless you have a filter parsing the outbound generated
page, or use JavaScript on the client (neither of which I'd recommend).

request.getparameter is giving me null here.
Of course, there's no parameter being set on that link.

and other thing I can think of is

<a href='/books'>Books</a>

and point the call towards books.jsp and then use request.getGetRequestURL()
and then strip the last part of the URL and then use that as navigational
That was my point  :-)  though '/books' is nicer than 'books.jsp' IMO, but ...

That would be be my first level, and then do similar thing for second
level with check that at each level  that session id remains the same in all
I don't understand that at all -- if you're using the session to keep
track of the breadcrumb path, it's "the same" by definition.

Does my thoughts makes sense or do we have some better solutions with pure
jsp/servlets/jstl with TC without using any plugin?
Again, what magic do you think is going to map some arbitrary text
to a URL used by your application? If you create a simple mapping
table, you can use JSTL to populate your pages (and breadcrumb
trail) appropriately.

For that matter if you use the 'books.jsp' =>  Books approach, you
can probably use JSTL to do that transform. Or create a custom tag
to handle it (possibly better).


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