Kiran Badi wrote:
Sorry I need some more help, have one more weird issue at my plate now,

I am using base tag and pulling out the webapplication context path to it like this so that all links in the page becomes relative to this path,i am doing something like below,

<base href="${pageContext.request.contextPath}">

which resolves to " /mydomain"/ in IE and base tag looks like this <base href="/mydomain"/> in IE and in other browers like ff/chrome/opera/safari it resolves to "/mydomain" and base tag here looks like <base href="/ourstory">

however all links resolves perfectly fine in IE and when I click on any link, it opens perfectly fine with path http://localhost:8080/mydomain/link1.jsp but the same link when checked via other browser like FF/Opera/chrome/safari it says page not found and gives me 404 error.The same link path now looks like http://localhost:8080/link1.jsp in those browsers.

what is that i am doing wrong here ?

I am not a JSP nor "breadcrumbs" specialist at all,
but in my opinion, it is /extremely unlikely/ that the server would send a different HTML document to the browser, depending on what the browser is. So your explanation above (that the link itself is different in IE vs other browsers) looks fishy to me. Of course you can prove me wrong easily : obtain the page in each browser, and /before/ you click on the link which doesn't work, save the source of the page to disk.
Then compare the saved pages, to spot any difference.
If you don't find a difference, then the issue is with IE (probably), which interprets the "base href" differently from the other browsers.

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