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On 4/9/12 6:12 AM, Léa Massiot wrote:
> 1) We don't agree with each other. I *DO* care about what URLs look
> like: a) in general, b) for some reasons related to the user's
> speaking language, c) for search engines, d) ... The URL of a link
> can be seen in many circumstances and is used in various ways both
> by humans and bots.
> 2) I want the resources (files and other things like databases) to
> be stored outside the servlets container and more precisely on
> another partition, especially if data get erased when the context
> which contains them is undeployed!

If you want to control the URL and the location of your files, why
don't you just write a simple file-fetching servlet? They are
dead-simple to write: then you have complete control over both URL and
location of files, and you don't have to worry about your uploaded
files being deleted because you can store them completely
independently of your webapp's deployment directory(ies).

Also, it will work across all versions of all servlet containers, and
you don't have to rely on some vendor-specific configuration.

- -chris
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