Hi Pid,

Thanks for your suggestion.

On 17/04/2012 21:16, Pid wrote:
 From the docs:

  ProxyPass        /mirror/foo/ http://backend.example.com/
  ProxyPassReverse /mirror/foo/ http://backend.example.com/


ProxyPassReverse is designed to be used to address the situation you
describe, you just appear to be using it incorrectly.

I think your ProxyPassReverse setting only works with ProxyPreserveHost switched off: in that case, the my_app Tomcat app, when proxied via http://mydomain/apps/my_app/ will 'see' (and generate) links like http://localhost:8082/my_app/. This will only work if Tomcat is running on a public port; not when it is hidden behind a firewall.

That's why I arrived at using ProxyPreserveHost. In order to make this work, the ProxyPassReverse setting must refer to the public URL (see advice at <https://www.indexis.be/indexWeb/index.jsp?language=nl&p=o&eandis=y>). Following settings do work, mostly:

On 17/04/2012 13:25, ron.vandenbranden@home wrote:

   ProxyPreserveHost    on
   ProxyPass            /apps/    http://localhost:8082/
   ProxyPassReverse    /apps/    http://mydomain/

Yet, here too, all the my_app Tomcat app sees from the request is http://mydomain/my_app/, since the '/app/' part has been filtered out after the proxy handling. Consequently, those links won't work. That's why I tried if I could add '/app/' as a global path prefix to Tomcat apps.

Kind regards,


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