On 03/05/2012 11:35, Miguel González Castaños wrote:
> Dear all,
>   My Tomcat 5.5 server reports in catalina.out under heavy load that
> Tomcat is pausing. I checked and no java process was running and I had
> to start Tomcat manually.

Can you post an example of the message from catalina.out that says
Tomcat is pausing?

>   No errors before in catalina.out. The only error found today (It
> crashed 3 times in 3 hours) was an outofmemory error.
>   I changed from 1024Mb to 1536Mb in catalina.sh:
>   CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -Xms1536m -Xmx1536m"

Do you actually have 2Gb of free RAM to assign to the Tomcat process?

>   After installing Javamelody I saw that memory use was reaching 1056 Mb
> (probably that triggered the outofmemory error).
>   Anything I can check or any setting I can set to get more information
> in the next crash?

Enable JMX & connect to Tomcat using VisualVM (with the MBean & Memory
Pool plugins).  Monitor thread counts & memory usage.

Enable an access log, process it to determine traffic volume.

Maybe there's a problem, maybe you're just seeing more traffic than your
app(s) can handle with a single Tomcat.




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