Unlikely. If you are using SSL or serving large static files,
APR/tcnative should be something that you look into using.
I do use SSL, but all is dynamic jsps

Honestly, I would put more effort into upgrading to a more recent
version of Tomcat than looking into using APR/tcnative.

No errors before in catalina.out. The only error found today
(It crashed 3 times in 3 hours) was an outofmemory error.

I changed from 1024Mb to 1536Mb in catalina.sh:

Do you actually have 2Gb of free RAM to assign to the Tomcat
Well, as someone asked:

]# cat /proc/meminfo
MemTotal:      4194304 kB
MemFree:      3700308 kB

Tomcat 5.5 doesn't really care what heap size it's got as
long as it's more than 4MiB or so. The page you referenced in here
doesn't even mention Tomcat 5.5.

Usually the GC does do its job properly, and that includes pausing the
whole JVM in order to reclaim memory if necessary. The above thread
from ServerFault is about unresponsiveness, not about OOME: the GC
caused unresponsiveness to avoid OOME (and it worked).

Stop making crazy claims and actually look at your own environment to
figure out what's going on.
We had several crashes today:

First - 1 outofmemory error
Second- 3 Tomcat pausing
Third - 2 or 3 times where catalina.out didn't show any error and tomcat died, only a big increase of memory use right before the java process died. That's why I assumed that maybe I have set the heap memory too high (I set it up because of the out of memory errors). That's why I googled to see if anyone had seen issues and that's why I reached that URL

I have set up this:

-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -Xms128m -Xmx768m -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+PrintGCDetails

I hope this way I can trace if there is any memory leak in the webapp. Considering that the developer decided to restart Tomcat once a week because the webapp didn't have enough resources, I find this very likely.

Thanks for your inputs,


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