Dear André,

> Assuming that your client is really connecting to that HTTP connector on port 
> 8080 mentioned above..

Yes, it has a forwarded port 80 (using FreeBSD ipfw) that also points to 8080, 
and there is an Apache with mod_proxy_http that hooks into 8081. My tests are 
on the vanilla port, though.

> 1) You are getting a
> Connection reset
>       at
> so this appears to happen when/while your java client is reading the response 
> from the server, and it appears to be that the client is expecting to be able 
> to read more data, but finds itself unable to, because the socket has been 
> closed "under his nose".

The reading is one area I need to look into: did the client get all data, 
partial data or none at all. I need to experiment with that.

> You say that it happens "frequently", so it's not always.

Indeed, not always. About 1 in 10 posts die like this on bad days. Sometimes 
hours with no issues. No pattern I can discern.

> 2) the server itself seems unaware that there is a problem.  So it has 
> already written the whole response back to the client, decided it was done 
> with this request, and gone happily to handle other things.


> That can happen, even if the client has not yet received all data, because 
> between the server and the client there is a lot of piping, and the data may 
> buffered at various levels or still "in transit".
> thus..
> - either the client is misinterpreting the amount of data that it should be 
> reading from the server's response (trying to read more than there actually 
> is)
> (on the other hand, I think that the kind of exception you would get in that 
> case would be different, more like "trying to read beyond EOF" or so).
> - or something in-between the server and the client closes the connection 
> before all data has been returned to the client (and/or is loosing data).
> It would be helpful to know if this happens when the response is particularly 
> large, or small, or if it is unrelated to the response size.

The response is a few bytes. I think it is about 10-20 bytes. Less than a 
packet, I expect. :)

> If the server is configured with an AccessLogValve, you should be able to see 
> how big the response was, in bytes.  If you have control over the client 
> code, you should be able to add something that logs how many bytes it has 
> read before the exception occurs.

What makes the request size interesting? What previous experience are you 
basing this question on?

> Dumping the response HTTP headers to the client logfile would also help 
> finding out what happens. (If the client is an applet running inside of a 
> browser, then a browser add-on would show this easily (like "Live HTTP 
> Headers" for Firefox, or Fiddler2 for IE)).

I can check that I see the same problems from a browser using firebug, that is 
a good idea. Thanks.

> Doing a "traceroute" from the client to the server,  may also give an idea of 
> what there is actually between the server and the client.

mtr reports no packet loss between the two machines I used for testing.

> And if this all still does not provide any clues, then you're down to a 
> network packet trace, using Wireshark or similar.

Packet traces I was hoping to avoid. :(
Kees Jan

The secret of success lies in the stability of the goal. -- Benjamin Disraeli

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