Dear André,

Took me a while to answer, because I wanted to get more precise readings.

>>> Assuming that your client is really connecting to that HTTP connector on 
>>> port 8080 mentioned above..
>> Yes, it has a forwarded port 80 (using FreeBSD ipfw) that also points to 
>> 8080, and there is an Apache with mod_proxy_http that hooks into 8081. My 
>> tests are on the vanilla port, though.
> Can you be a bit clearer on this part ?  Do you see the problem happening for 
> 1 in 10 posts, when your client connects directly to Tomcat's HTTP port 8080 ?
> Or is it only when the client connects to Tomcat via either one of these 
> intermediate pieces of machinery ?

I re-ran my tests, making sure that I was positive about the path the packets 
travel. Here is what I fished out of the log of a client app running on the 
same machine as the server: Connection reset by peer
        at Method)

This particular client connects on the same machine as the Tomcat server, using 
port 8080 (the configured HTTP connector for this Tomcat server). The URL used 
is http://localhost:8080/<webapp>.

So whatever is happening, it is not happening on the network or in the ISP's 
hardware. It seems to be local to my machine and with this I feel that Tomcat 
is a suspect again. This goes against some of the things I said earlier. I was 
wrong, sorry.

Is there any way to overwhelm a Tomcat connector without it serving 503 
responses? This particular connector is maxed out at 256 connections, with 
about 5% actually busy at any given time (as reported by JMX), with spikes of 
up to 50% busy every hour or so.

> Another thing : your client is effectively requesting non-keepalive 
> connections, so Tomcat will close the connection after sending the response 
> to each request.  And your clients have to rebuild a new connection for each 
> request.
> If the same client(s) make lots of small requests one after another, this may 
> be counter-productive, because each connection build-up requires several 
> packets going back and forth. Also, on the server side, when a connection is 
> being closed, it will nevertheless "linger" for a while in CLOSE_WAIT state, 
> waiting for the client's TCP stack to acknowledge the CLOSE.  I have seen 
> cases where a large number of such connections being in CLOSE_WAIT triggered 
> bizarre issues, such as a server becoming unable to accept new TCP 
> connections for a while.

I know this, but since I know the traffic pattern (connections are used once 
per minute) I opted to make the connections non-keep-alive from the client 
side. That way, the connections that come from browsers can make use of 
keep-alive for performance.

I guess I should have gone for a model where I have a non-keel-alive HTTP 
connector on Tomcat for the clients and another keep-alive-enabled connector 
for the browser traffic. Hmmm. It may not be too late for that, but first I'd 
like some proof this is an issue. :)

> It may be worth checking how many of such CLOSE_WAIT connections you have 
> over time, and if this relates to when the problems happen.
> netstat -pan | grep CLOSE_WAIT
> would show this. If more than a couple of hundreds show up, I'd become 
> suspicious of something like that.

I now graph these in Munin and I see spikes of up to 100 sockets in that state. 
You say hundreds are a problem, what about one hundred?
Kees Jan

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                                     -- Belarusian proverb

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