
some read http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-dbcp/configuration.html ;)
Romain Manni-Bucau
Twitter: @rmannibucau
Blog: http://rmannibucau.wordpress.com/
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2014-02-13 16:21 GMT+01:00 José Luis Cetina <maxtorz...@gmail.com>:
> Hi, im having about 180 users at the same time connected to my webapp,
> yesterday i got an mysql exception saying "Ton many connections" then i
> read in blogs and update the property max_connections in my.cnf to 500
> connections (i have a stand alone server for database only that has 16gb of
> ram just for the OS and the DB) then in that post recommend to adjust that
> value (max_connections) accord to my pool connection. I use a datasource
> resource configured in tomee.xml and i have this
> <Resource id="any" type="DataSource">
>   JdbcDriver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
>   JdbcUrl ...
>   UserName xxx
>   Password xxx
>   jtaManaged true
>   initialSize=30
>   MaxActive=500 (my old value was 250)
>   MaxIdle=50
>   MaxWait=90000
>   MaxWaitTime=90000
>   validationQuery=SELECT 1
>   testOnBorrow=true
> </Resource>
> Then i have this questions:
> 1.What advice can you give me for handle around 180 users that use my app
> an hit the database with each action.
> I use JSF (@NamedBeans) + EJB (All my EJBS are statless) + 1 SessionBean
> (@Named) for each users.
> 2. Which is the difference between MaxIdle and MaxActive?
> 3. Which is the default timeout for close inactive connections and what is
> the name of the property?
> I will be happy with any kind of advice.
> I use 2 servers with this configuration and tomee and both of them read to
> other server where the database is (2 webapp server + 1 db server).
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> *José Luis Cetina*
> -------------------------------------------------------------------

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