Em 25-09-2017 19:02, David Blevins escreveu:
> Hi Francois!
> As Mark mentions the Java EE 8 work is going on now.  It will be compatible, 
> but not certified -- at least not directly.
> The story there is the Java EE TCK licensing agreement between Oracle and 
> Apache expired and is not being renewed due to disagreement on the terms.  So 
> Apache does not have a Java EE 8 TCK.  With my Apache hat on, I worked with 
> Cameron Purdy, then SVP of Development at Oracle, for over 2 years trying to 
> get a new agreement made.  When he departed Oracle, the progress stopped on 
> the Oracle side.
> I then switched hats and began pursing things from the Tomitribe.  After a 
> year we have licensed and paid for a TCK.  We can't legally give it to Apache 
> (Oracle's rules) nor can we legally release Apache TomEE (Apache's rules), 
> but we can legally certify something that is 100% Apache TomEE, but with a 
> different name.  I.e. we can take TomEE zip, rename it, run it through the 
> TCK and put it up.  We intend to do that so that Apache TomEE releases are in 
> spirit, certified.
> There are some challenges ahead, such as only Tomitribe people can run the 
> TCK or see the results.  Java EE itself is being open sourced, TCKs and all, 
> so this will have a better solution long-term.  Short-term we'll have to 
> power through together as a community and support each other the best we can.
Oracle destroy everything, it's their business model. Open source Java
it's nice, but it is too late for the platform IMHO.

Matheus Eduardo Bonifácio Morais
Analista de Infraestrutura de TI,
Plataforma e Aplicações
Confederação Sicredi

Centro Administrativo Sicredi – Porto Alegre
+55 51 3358 7143

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