Hello, David!

Thanks for all the details. However, there is another point that currently
worries me: is there any progress on the OpenJPA side of things? By looking
at the commits log on GitHub (which should mirror the Apache repository),
it doesn't seem like a 3.x release that targets JPA 2.1 will happen anytime
soon. Furthermore, the issues targeted at version 3.0.0 in OpenJPA's JIRA
seem not to have received any attention for over a year. Therefore, unless
I am mistaken about OpenJPA's current condition, I don't see TomEE
[non-Plume] implementing all of Java EE 7 soon either, never mind Java EE 8
with JPA 2.2.

On Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 7:02 PM, David Blevins <david.blev...@gmail.com>

> Hi Francois!
> As Mark mentions the Java EE 8 work is going on now.  It will be
> compatible, but not certified -- at least not directly.
> The story there is the Java EE TCK licensing agreement between Oracle and
> Apache expired and is not being renewed due to disagreement on the terms.
> So Apache does not have a Java EE 8 TCK.  With my Apache hat on, I worked
> with Cameron Purdy, then SVP of Development at Oracle, for over 2 years
> trying to get a new agreement made.  When he departed Oracle, the progress
> stopped on the Oracle side.
> I then switched hats and began pursing things from the Tomitribe.  After a
> year we have licensed and paid for a TCK.  We can't legally give it to
> Apache (Oracle's rules) nor can we legally release Apache TomEE (Apache's
> rules), but we can legally certify something that is 100% Apache TomEE, but
> with a different name.  I.e. we can take TomEE zip, rename it, run it
> through the TCK and put it up.  We intend to do that so that Apache TomEE
> releases are in spirit, certified.
> There are some challenges ahead, such as only Tomitribe people can run the
> TCK or see the results.  Java EE itself is being open sourced, TCKs and
> all, so this will have a better solution long-term.  Short-term we'll have
> to power through together as a community and support each other the best we
> can.
> --
> David Blevins
> http://twitter.com/dblevins
> http://www.tomitribe.com
> > On Sep 25, 2017, at 8:15 AM, COURTAULT Francois <
> francois.courta...@gemalto.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hello everyone,
> >
> > As Java EE 8 is out, could you tell us when a TomEE version will be at
> least compatible or certified released ?
> > Any pointer to TomEE roadmap ? (Maybe an announcement at Oracle Java One
> ?)
> > Have to wait for TomEE 9 because of Servlet 4.0 ?
> >
> > Best Regards.
> >
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