Hi Danilo,

I'd personally only consider Hibernate or EclipseLink as production contenders with TomEE. We can certify with either, but can only distribute EclipseLink.

OpenJPA has lost it's momentum for sure, but that doesn't mean TomEE will stand still at all. It's only about packaging, so quite trivial really.

That said, I'm sure that being OSS means that anyone willing can dive into OpenJPA and make things happen. Even you might like to help?


On 25/09/17 15:20, Danilo Cominotti Marques wrote:
Hello, David!

Thanks for all the details. However, there is another point that currently
worries me: is there any progress on the OpenJPA side of things? By looking
at the commits log on GitHub (which should mirror the Apache repository),
it doesn't seem like a 3.x release that targets JPA 2.1 will happen anytime
soon. Furthermore, the issues targeted at version 3.0.0 in OpenJPA's JIRA
seem not to have received any attention for over a year. Therefore, unless
I am mistaken about OpenJPA's current condition, I don't see TomEE
[non-Plume] implementing all of Java EE 7 soon either, never mind Java EE 8
with JPA 2.2.

On Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 7:02 PM, David Blevins <david.blev...@gmail.com>

Hi Francois!

As Mark mentions the Java EE 8 work is going on now.  It will be
compatible, but not certified -- at least not directly.

The story there is the Java EE TCK licensing agreement between Oracle and
Apache expired and is not being renewed due to disagreement on the terms.
So Apache does not have a Java EE 8 TCK.  With my Apache hat on, I worked
with Cameron Purdy, then SVP of Development at Oracle, for over 2 years
trying to get a new agreement made.  When he departed Oracle, the progress
stopped on the Oracle side.

I then switched hats and began pursing things from the Tomitribe.  After a
year we have licensed and paid for a TCK.  We can't legally give it to
Apache (Oracle's rules) nor can we legally release Apache TomEE (Apache's
rules), but we can legally certify something that is 100% Apache TomEE, but
with a different name.  I.e. we can take TomEE zip, rename it, run it
through the TCK and put it up.  We intend to do that so that Apache TomEE
releases are in spirit, certified.

There are some challenges ahead, such as only Tomitribe people can run the
TCK or see the results.  Java EE itself is being open sourced, TCKs and
all, so this will have a better solution long-term.  Short-term we'll have
to power through together as a community and support each other the best we

David Blevins

On Sep 25, 2017, at 8:15 AM, COURTAULT Francois <
francois.courta...@gemalto.com> wrote:
Hello everyone,

As Java EE 8 is out, could you tell us when a TomEE version will be at
least compatible or certified released ?
Any pointer to TomEE roadmap ? (Maybe an announcement at Oracle Java One
Have to wait for TomEE 9 because of Servlet 4.0 ?

Best Regards.

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