On 8/18/07, Stojce Dimski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Igor
> The error message says:
> Could not locate error message for error:
> [org.apache.wicket.validation.ValidationError message=[null],
> keys=[notFound, ClassValidator], variables=[]]

the problem looks like is that its looking for a "notFound" key or a
"ClassValidator" key, not for a "ClassValidator.notFound" key. so just
adjust your code.


notFound - is my key
> ClassValidator - is the name of the class
> the .propeties file is together with .class file and and have identical
> names...
> inside .properties i have a row like this:
> ClassValidator.notFound=${input} cannot be found on a classpath.
> What is wrong with this ?
> Thanks,
> Stojce
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