This might well be the problem.
How do you explicitly postpend something to the URL of a Wicket Image?
The URLs we've been using are autogenerated, and my Google mojo is
failing me... it doesn't have anything to do with .forURL(), does it?

On 10/29/07, Martijn Dashorst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Not sure if it is relevant, but to update images using ajax you need
> to generate a unique URL by adding a timestamp or random number to it.
> Martijn
> On 10/29/07, Kirk Israel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm still having the fundamental problem of an Image refusing to
> > update. (A coworker suggested that it might be that I wasn't (yet)
> > updating the underlying model that the page was drawing from, which
> > didn't "smell" like the problem to me, since I could see the
> > component-based updating I thought I was doing, but I put in that
> > change of updating the model, but still I  can NOT get the image part
> > of the page to update.) The Label subcomponent of the component is
> > updating fine, but, the ImageComponent (a wrapper to a Wicket Image)
> > seems as fix'd as the north star.
> >
> > I'm working with my own MediaComponent class. It has one of our
> > ImageComponent, added thus:
> >       mImageComponent = new 
> > ImageComponent("mediaimage",mResource,pClassStyle);
> >         mImageComponent.setOutputMarkupId(true);
> >         add(mImageComponent);
> >
> > (the mResource here is our MMSDataResource which extends Wicket's
> > DynamicImageResource )
> >
> > Then when it comes time to update w/ the MMSDataResource passed back
> > from the ModalWindow, I do this:
> >                         ImageComponent newImageComponent = new
> > ImageComponent("mediaimage",mResource,mClassStyle);
> >                         newImageComponent.setOutputMarkupId(true);
> >                         mImageComponent.replaceWith(newImageComponent);
> >                         mImageComponent = newImageComponent;
> >                         pTarget.addComponent(MediaPanel.this);
> >
> > i can add a pTarget.addComponent(mImageComponent); to no avail; if I
> > put it before the swap so the reference is to the "old"
> > mImageComponent, it rightly complains, and doesn't make a difference
> > coming later... I think adding the MediaPanel itself means the
> > imageComponent inside of it gets redrawn via Ajax too.
> >
> > So I see that MMSDataResource's getImageData() is NOT being called by
> > DynamicImageResource for the Ajax re-render. I see the whole
> > MediaPanel getting redrawn in the Ajax debug window, but apparently
> > the Image reference from ImageComponent is the same old thing.
> >
> > I know there are a few places in my group's code that I might be the
> > actual source of the problem, but can anyone see if I'm doing
> > something wrong? Can't you swap in a new subcomponent during an
> > AjaxRequestTarget-driven update? Is there a likely culprit, or
> > something else that needs to be explicitly added to the
> > AjaxRequestTarget ?
> >
> > Thanks...
> > Kirk
> >
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