Hi all,

Thanks for all your kind words. I did have an excellent time last friday, and 
I'm very happy to hear everyone else did too.

There were just a couple of things that didn't really work out - like the 
hackaton for example. Maybe it's because it was the first time, maybe it was 
because we were running an afternoon/evening show instead of the whole day. I'd 
like to do that differently next time. Also, I think the programme was quite 
pressing, given that it was at the end of the week *and* at the end of the day. 
Next time, I'd like to have some more kick ass demoing on stage just to keep up 
the vibe. I was exhausted afterwards :)

But it was incredible to have so many people show up and stick around until 11 
PM. At the peak, I counted 74 people in the room and given the fact that we had 
92 people signed up, I think that was much more than we could've ever wished 
for. It says something about the community and the project when sending out 2 
emails (one to the user list, one to the NLJUG list) is enough to bring 
together such a crowd.

It also says something about the type of event - low barrier, easy access, and 
free. Community driven. It makes an excellent addition to the much broader 
targeted ApacheCon conferences [1], attracting new people to the Apache 

I'm looking forward to the next edition :)
What if we just block the same room again around the ApacheCon Europe in April? 
Not to be an alternative to ApacheCon - rather as an addition. This will give 
people even more reason to attend the ApacheCon.

Let me know.

Thanks everyone!

-- Arjé Cahn, Hippo

[1] http://www.eu.apachecon.com

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