
Sounds good.
We are currently supporting only Wicket and do not plan to be involved with
ApacheCon, although I expect that too should be an interesting event. 
We will continue to run our monthly
London Wicket events  which are currently on a smaller, more local scale
than the European event we have in mind.
Let's bring this up again on the mailing-list in the new year and see what
we can propose based on where people would like to meet up and the logistics
of organising it there. You never know, we may even be able to tempt a few
of the US crew to come along!
In the meantime, do let me know if you have ideas on how we can help make
more people aware of how good Wicket is.

Regards - Cemal 


Arje Cahn wrote:
> Hi Cemal,
> Thanks! I really like your suggestion to merge things into a European
> Wicket event. My background is from the Cocoon GetTogethers, and those had
> a European audience too (with just a couple of Americans added to it). I
> believe local events are good, but we need the diversity that a
> cross-border conference like ApacheCon brings to a community. If everyone
> starts hosting his own meetup in his own street, we have nothing. Having
> an open meetup that serves a wider audience really helps in building a
> strong community. 
> Currently, the suggestion is to have another meetup during (just
> before/after) the ApacheCon in Amsterdam. I guess that makes sense for now
> - but after another round of Amsterdam, I have no problems with evaluating
> whether we want to host the event in Amsterdam again or move it somewhere
> else. We had Cocoon GetTogethers in Ghent, Amsterdam and Rome, and it was
> always a lot of fun. Together (with other local meetups too), we can bring
> in a more diverse group and reach a much bigger audience.
> I welcome your suggestions and look forward to working together on a next,
> bigger and better meetup!
> Thanks,
> Arjé
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: jweekend [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>> Sent: dinsdag 4 december 2007 17:53
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Wrapping up the Amsterdam Wicket Meetup
>> Congratulations, it sounds like you all had an experience to 
>> remember in Amsterdam. I've had a quick look at some of the 
>> slides (and photos); these seem to back up my hunch!
>> It's already been around 6 months we since we started-up the 
>> monthly London events  ( 
>> jWeekend  with  
>> Al Maw ). We have had varying 
>> attendances to date and our guests have told us how much they 
>> have enjoyed the events and presentations (although most of 
>> our lot seem to be too shy to post about it ;-). 
>> Maybe looking ahead, we can also organise an annual event 
>> where we try to get together our London Wicket Users Group 
>> event with yours and those of anyone else in the "region" who 
>> can make the trip to wherever we decide to run such an event; 
>> a European Wicket event peut-etre? 
>> jWeekend would be happy to contribute to the funding and 
>> organisation of this event too.
>> If we give people plenty of notice and have a nice set of 
>> presentations lined-up, I imagine we'd have quite an event on 
>> our hands!
>> Regards - Cemal
>> Arje Cahn wrote:
>> > 
>> > Hi all,
>> > 
>> > Thanks for all your kind words. I did have an excellent 
>> time last friday,
>> > and I'm very happy to hear everyone else did too.
>> > 
>> > There were just a couple of things that didn't really work 
>> out - like the
>> > hackaton for example. Maybe it's because it was the first 
>> time, maybe it
>> > was because we were running an afternoon/evening show 
>> instead of the whole
>> > day. I'd like to do that differently next time. Also, I think the
>> > programme was quite pressing, given that it was at the end 
>> of the week
>> > *and* at the end of the day. Next time, I'd like to have 
>> some more kick
>> > ass demoing on stage just to keep up the vibe. I was 
>> exhausted afterwards
>> > :)
>> > 
>> > But it was incredible to have so many people show up and 
>> stick around
>> > until 11 PM. At the peak, I counted 74 people in the room 
>> and given the
>> > fact that we had 92 people signed up, I think that was much 
>> more than we
>> > could've ever wished for. It says something about the 
>> community and the
>> > project when sending out 2 emails (one to the user list, 
>> one to the NLJUG
>> > list) is enough to bring together such a crowd.
>> > 
>> > It also says something about the type of event - low 
>> barrier, easy access,
>> > and free. Community driven. It makes an excellent addition 
>> to the much
>> > broader targeted ApacheCon conferences [1], attracting new 
>> people to the
>> > Apache communities.
>> > 
>> > I'm looking forward to the next edition :)
>> > What if we just block the same room again around the 
>> ApacheCon Europe in
>> > April? Not to be an alternative to ApacheCon - rather as an 
>> addition. This
>> > will give people even more reason to attend the ApacheCon.
>> > 
>> > Let me know.
>> > 
>> > Thanks everyone!
>> > 
>> > -- Arjé Cahn, Hippo
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > [1]
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
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