but then my app wont work. i add my own ajax behavior that knows how
to do all this... so i would have to override some method on the form
and tell it not to do its default thing? let me quote someone
"Yuk...I'd hate to go through my *entire* application and replace
org.apache.wicket.Form with com.mysite.MySpecialForm.  very messy." :)

your default is simply not good - updating feedback panels is rarely
enough. also a lot of times users add a feedback panel per form
component, so you will needlessly update tens of feedback panels
rather then the single one that needs it. not a good default.

imho the best default still remains the one that adds no additional
functionality that wasnt explicitly asked for.


On Jan 27, 2008 10:09 AM, Ryan Sonnek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jan 27, 2008 12:04 PM, Igor Vaynberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > also -1. it is trivial to do it yourself automatically like you said
> > in your blog. there are plenty of usecases that wont work out of the
> > box. take a common usecase where the label turns red if the field is
> > in error, how do you do that out of the box?
> Umm...where did I say that there are plenty of usecases that don't
> work out of the box?
> The "out of the box" behavior that wicket *could* support today is
> dynamic updating of the feedback panel.  No inline field messaging or
> css crazyness is needed...for now...
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